On September 28, 2023, a young woman was killed by her husband in Mashhad in what authorities label as an honor killing. After placing his wife's body in a suitcase, the suspect traveled from Mashhad to Tehran and confessed to his crime at the central police station.
In his confession, he stated: "My wife and I have a five-year-old child. We had a year and a half-long disagreement, and my wife betrayed me. On the night of the incident, I strangled my wife with my own hands after an argument and a fight. I then dismembered the body in the bathroom of our home into eleven pieces and placed it in a black plastic bag."
It's worth noting that many perpetrators cite 'honor' as the motive for their actions, partly due to Article 301 of the Iranian penal law, which often results in lenient sentences for those who commit such crimes.
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